Saturday 1 June 2013

What's happening - 2 June.

So much going on that I haven't added to this blog for some time, so here is an update.

Published poems last year:
Tanka Sequence "Jazz Trio" in The melody lingers on ed. Amelia Fielden.
Poem "Kamikaze" in ACT Write (shortlisted for the 2012 Michael Thwaites award)
Poem "Ice cream cone" in Sotto  ed Donna Ward
Tanka in Eucalypt 14 ed Beverley George
Sonnet "That certain comfort" published on cards for the Watson Shops Centenary party.
Tanka "I skip through the doors" in the first edition of Skylark ed Claire Everett
Tanka "how could Bach" accepted for 100 Tanka from Australia and New Zealand. eds Beverley George and Amelia Fieldon.
My poem "A Candle" was recently published in the pew sheet for St Mark's Fitzroy in Melbourne.

Trio of sonnets in the 2013 Poets for Peace chapbook.

The School of Music Poets has published two occasional pamphlets: In response to jazz and In response to Persian Music. The Persian pamphlet received 45 likes and 15 comments from the Persian community - thank you Salar  and friends!

The SOM Poets has opened submissions for Flood, Fire and Famine, an anthology of Australian poetry. We are fortunate to have Penelope Cottier, Suzanne Edgar and Kathy Kituai on the selection panel. Submissions close on August 1.

In submission: Sugar Loaf and Humming Birds. Two South American Odysseys. In collaboration with John Collard.  We have each contributed 16 poems. The striking cover picture of a humming bird is by artist Arlene Williams.

And so far I have been keeping up my commitment to writing a poem a day. On average, that is!



  1. Hi Hazel

    I've finally tracked down your online presence! Still can't find you on Facebook. I copied the info about the call for submissions for poems or songs about flood, fire and flood, & posted it on Facebook. Three of my friends have already expressed interest.
    Sue Cartledge

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Sue! Your friends are welcome to submit, I hope you have the latest newsletter with the full submission details. I will post one here as well.
