Sunday 1 May 2016

bush stone curlew

bush stone curlew
burhinus grallarius

when the moon gleams silver white
I hear the bush stone curlew write
its piercing notes upon the night

bird as motionless as stone
when peril strikes your bushy home
you fade into the bark and loam

Ngamirliri, spread your tail
with fan-like wings through soils of shale
dance the story you bewail

wer-looo wer-looo ki-liri-coo
in cascades of nocturnal blue
let dreaming spirits follow you

for they can read that yellow eye
like topaz as your plaintive cry
shatters the silence of the sky

as you sign your autograph
on woodland habitat held fast
don't let this be its epitaph

Recorded for the Bimblebox Art Project 2014